Quantum SEO Labs

How to Use Commenting for Effective SEO

How to Use Commenting for Effective SEO

Yes, it’s an obvious thing that most people tend to think that commenting is blasé. However, the fact remains that commenting can be an extremely effective method of doing SEO.

5 Ways to Make Your Business Stand Out

Building a business takes time and commitment. It also takes doing the things that other people think they don’t have to. After all, in pretty much any industry you could
3 Reasons Why Google Might Lose Market Share

3 Reasons Why Google Might Lose Market Share

In discussing the question of why Google might lose market share, I am reminded of Yahoo, Alta Vista, Excite and other once high flying websites which have either disappeared completely
Can You Really Have the 4 Hour Work Week?

Can You Really Have the 4 Hour Work Week?

This is of course the dream that we all share – the 4 hour work week where you get to live the so called “good life” and forget about having