The Art Of Spamming – List of Amusing Spam Comments!
I have always been a little surprised (and amused) at how quickly a blog can start receiving spam. It has literally been less than 4 months that this blog is online and I get around 40 spam messages everyday. Normally, I get only 1-2 “normal” comments and even those are difficult to accept for me either because they:
1. Talk in extremely broken English
2. Talk about stuff totally unrelated to my post.
The reason why I am writing this post is simple: Sometimes it brings a smile to my face when I see how much effort people (and spam bots) put into get a link. The worst part is, although they use brute force for spamming to get a link, they almost never use any common sense or thoughtfulness.
Here are some very “interesting” spam (and not so spammy) comments I received over the past 2 months:
1. A person telling me my website is “the excellent” and he would “be only too happy to come back again”. The anchored link pointed to a porn site.
2. Another person telling me “this medicine will reduce your headaches and will even give you a buzz!”. I laughed at that one.
3. Tons of people telling me investment in California would be lucrative and I would be stupid to pass on such offers. Well, some people talked more about US in general 😀
4. Enlargement pills! “The first PACK is totally free!”
5. I received a comment on how much my blog “sucked” because I was trying to “appear too knowledgable”
6. How “it will be mutually beneficial for both of us if we can freely link out to each other so Google can give us money”.
7. And the most comment spam comment, atleast for my blog: “I love your blog!”
I hope this list of spam comments brings a smile to your face. If yuo own a successful blog which gets some traffic, you can personally relate to all these comments.
Enjoy 🙂