Writing content for your website or blog means balancing on a tight rope. On the one hand, you need to write content that includes specific keywords for SEO purposes so that Google can find you. On the other hand, you also want to write material that human beings will actually want to read. Here are three tips to help you write SEO friendly content which humans will understand also:
Use Latent Semantic Indexing
Latent Semantic Indexing, known commonly as LSI is a prime way that Google and other search engines try to categorize articles. The idea is to use what I like to call “drill down” keywords to make your article more specific. This gives you a broader selection of keywords to work with in crafting your article, thus avoiding the need to engage in keyword spamming. Here’s an example:
Let’s assume you have  a keyword, “best dog food.” Instead of a generic article on dog food, you might write about the best dog food for puppies. Then, you can make use of keywords like pooch, puppy and newborn dog in addition to the usual array of keywords about dogs. This makes your content more useful both to Google (which can find it and categorize it more easily) and to humans who may want specific information.
Write the Articles Naturally, Then Add Keywords
Here’s another great tip for making your content SEO friendly while also keeping it human friendly. Write the article you want to write, ignoring the need to include keywords. Then, once you finish writing the article, go back and find places where keywords will naturally.
For example, if we need to include a keyword like “NY hotel,” we might write something like “The Waldorf Astoria is one of the best known hotels in New York.” Now, when we need to add the keyword in, we’d simply revise the sentence and write “The Waldorf Astoria is a well known NY hotel.”
Working with Non Grammatical Keywords
Remember that Google is intelligent enough to put together words so that if you have the words “NY” and “Hotel” within the same sentence, it will still find it. The problem is, if someone searches for an exact keyword (i.e “best hotels New York”), you could run into problems since Google will return exact keywords first.
Don’t despair though. It is possible to include exact keywords even if they don’t make grammatical sense. There are two ways to do this. One, you simply include the grammatically correct phraseology (i.e. “best hotels in New York”).
Or, two, if you want to keep the sentence grammatically correct you can keep the same keyword by splitting it with punctuation. This would then become: “When you go on vacation, you want to stay in the best hotels. New York makes this easy with a world class array of hotels to choose from.”
Remember that even if there is some kind of punctuation in your keywords, Google still treats it as if it’s a single keyword (i.e. searching for “best hotels New York” (with the quotation marks to indicate that you want an exact keywords) would still bring up a sentence like the one above.
Bottom Line
The bottom line is that this is as much an art form as it is a science. You need to be creative in working keywords into sentences naturally so that they blend in for the reader but are still visible to Google’s web crawler. Fortunately, with a little practice, it’s definitely doable.